Mid-Year Freak Out Book Tag!

Monday 22 June 2020
Hey guys, today I'm going to be doing the Mid-Year Freak Out Book Tag. I can't quite get over the fact we're halfway through this year already, never mind the fact we've been in isolation for about half of it as well! Anyway, I love a good tag and I've been seeing this one about everywhere so I couldn't resist it any longer. I'm not sure who came up with it but if anyone does, please let me know so I can give credit!!

Now on to the tag...

1. Best book you’ve read so far in 2020.

I've got to go with one of my latest reads here and say A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik. I (very luckily!) managed to get an ARC of this book through Netgalley and absolutely LOVED it. I just flew through it and it easily became my favourite of the year so far! My review will be up closer to the date of publication but, guys, please get ready to read this book!!
2. Best sequel you've read so far in 2020.

Hmm, there's a couple I could say for this but I think I'll go with The Kingdom of Copper by S.A. Chakraborty, book two in The Daevabad Trilogy. I have fallen head over heels for this series and have actually been putting off reading the last book which has just come out because I don't want it to be over! (and also because I may, or may not, have seen a possible spoiler *cries*)
3. New release you haven't read yet, but want to.

Well, I suppose I could say book three, The Empire of Gold but I'll try think of another so I'm not repeating authors... Maybe the new Sarah J. Maas book, House of Earth and Blood. Even though the synopsis isn't usually something that would draw me in, I do love her as an author and the ACoTaR series is one of my favourites so I can't not give this one a try.
4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year.

Aww dang, I just said I would try not to repeat authors but all I can say for this one is A Deadly Education again. Sorry, not sorry. I just can't wait for it to be out on shelves and have more people reading it!!
5. Biggest disappointment.

For this one I'm going to go with Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett. This isn't even my lowest rated book of the year, it's just the most disappointing in the way I thought this would be exactly my kind-of book and I just couldn't really get on board with it.
6. Biggest surprise.

My biggest surprise this year was probably, in honesty, just finishing The Folk of the Air series. I read The Cruel Prince so long ago and had started The Wicked King at some point not long after and just never finished it. When I started getting back into reading this year, I wanted to try clear some titles I'd had on my shelves for a while and never read, so I picked it back up and powered through it. Then I jumped to the last book and finished that too. The series wasn't quite my favourite, but it was enjoyable enough once I'd settled back in - I just think the middle book was probably my least favourite!
7. Favorite new author. (Debut or new to you)

Probably Katherine Arden. I'd wanted to pick up her Winternight Trilogy for a good while and finally got around to it this year. And I LOVED them, marathoning the three books back to back. They were just so fairytale-esque and I just grew so attached to the characters. I'd really recommend them, they were all five star reads to me.
8. Newest fictional crush.

Okay, the not-repeating-authors thing is out the window! It's between Morozko from the Winternight Trilogy and Dara from the Daevabad Trilogy. I love both of these characters so much. Morozko had the whole mysterious, powerful, brooding-ness I love and Dara was just so funny and head-strong and infuriating. I can't pick!
9. Newest favorite character.

Okay, so I'll go with Dara for this one. Simply because he has a lot of flaws he needs to work through and a lot of depth to him. I also just connected to his character a lot and I am rooting for him SO. DAMN. MUCH!!
10. Book that made you cry.

Sorry to disappoint but I don't really cry at books, and so far, none have made me cry this year at least! I think I've only ever really cried at like three books, if that... I more just feel sad than actually physically cry, and if a book makes me physically cry, well then, it is a pretty phenomenal book!
11. Book that made you happy.

Rereading and revisiting Kiera Cass' Selection series this year actually made me pretty happy. I think it was the nostalgia, but I also need to admit I am trash for an angsty, fast-paced, quick book and I did really love these books growing up.
12. Favorite book to film adaptation that you've seen this year

Omg ahhh, I really don't know for this one. I re-watch the Narnia movies a lot because it's just one of my favourite worlds, so I'll have to go with that one. I've also not seen the new Little Women movie yet but I really want to!
13. Favorite review you've written (booktube or written)

14. Most beautiful book you've bought so far this year (or received)

I bought this one a few weeks ago and the hardback of this book is one of the most beautiful books I own. The colours are just STUNNING and I'm not usually one for faces on book covers but I just think these characters convey a real strength and they just draw me right in.
15. What books do you need to read by the end of the year?

I actually don't have any set books I need to read by the end of the year just now. I'm a major mood reader and have learned from experience not to constrict myself too much (a thing I used to do ALL THE BLOODY TIME!!) Of course if I request and am accepted for any more Netgalley books or receive any review books, they'll be pretty up there but right now, at least, I'm pretty free.

Well, that's it and it was a lot of fun.

Until next time,
Happy Reading!

Have you read any of these books? What did you think?

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