I'M BACK!! Catch Up & My Life in Books Book Tag!

Tuesday 19 May 2020
Well, ehm, hi, hello. *waves awkwardly*

I would introduce myself but as it is, I'm the same Rachel who started this blog ten years ago... Oh hell, I'll reintroduce myself anyway. HI AGAIN! I'm Rachel and I'M BACK!! You may or may not remember this blog. After all, I have changed the name and the whole layout etc. Once upon a time, this was a preteen/YA book blog called Booktastic Reviews. Well *ahem* now it's had a whole, snazzy makeover (which I have spent DAYS fretting over because I am now SO FAR BEHIND on how this modern blogging and book blogosphere work!!) *cries* So please feel free to tell me I'm doing okay for being the archaic blogger I now have to admit to myself I am! Also, whilst on the topic of archaic, I am now no longer 11 or 16 or even 18. I'm now 22 whole years old, some say a fully fledged adult - I'm not quite sure I would agree but, yes, I am now a whole lot older.
ANYWAY, now this blog will be going by the name Pages & Pinnacles! If you would like a full explanation as to why, you can check out my new snazzy 'About' page above. While you're at it, feel free to browse all my different pages... I am so fascinated you can now do drop down lists! Basically, it's now called this because I would like to write some posts outside of just books - namely my adventures hill and mountain climbing in and around the Scottish Highlands. However, I will still be talking a lot about books - with a heavy focus still on Young Adult but also now branching into New Adult and, honestly, whatever else I fancy! But, as I've said, just check out my new pages above for more info!

Okay, now on to the tag! It would be pretty boring if this was just a simple catch up (remember me!!) post so what better way to reacquaint my self with the book blogosphere and also reintroduce my reading tastes to you all than with a book tag! Also, they're just fun to do! This one is called My Life in Books and I managed to trace it back to THIS blog. So, here we go!


Find a book for each letter of your initials.

I guess I've just to go off my own book shelves? In which case:

What can I say about these books? I read Bardugo's Grisha trilogy a long time ago and really enjoyed it, I think I see a reread coming soon. I absolutely LOVED the A Court of Thorns and Roses series! ACoTaR over Throne of Glass any day! ;) Eva Ibbotson's books also pretty much defined my childhood, I love them.

Count your age along your bookshelf, what book is it?

Not really a book, as such, but a play - Othello by William Shakespeare. Pretty sure I studied it both at school and university.

Pick a book set in your city/country.

Bonnie Scotland, of course. This is a lovely fantastical, fairytale-esque tale where two modern day American girls are transported back in time in Scotland (very close by where I live actually). Loosely based on the musical Brigadoon.

Pick a book in your favourite colour.
Honestly, any excuse to mention one of my absolute favourite childhood books, The Lost Island of Tamarind by Nadia Aguiar. Ahh, I'm so nostalgic. My fave colours are blue and green (turquoise specifically) and this book has all the gorgeous shades of them.
Pick a book set in a place you would love to visit.

I have two for this one. Narnia doesn't really need any explanation, surely? Again, another extremely nostalgic pick for me. I am obsessed with everything Narnia and would genuinely watch and rewatch the movies EVERY day if I could. WHEN IS THE NETFLIX SERIES COMING OUT?!? My other pick is actually my current read right now. The world in this book is so rich and vibrant and I'd just love to see it in person.

What book do you have fond memories of?
Oh, ehm, ahhhh. I've already used Eva Ibbotson's books, Narnia and The Lost Island of Tamarind. I'm afraid I'm probably left with Harry Potter but, really, can that ever be raved about enough? I think not. That series and what it did to utterly enthral readers of ALL ages is honestly amazing and the world will NEVER get old.

What book did you have the most difficulty reading?
I can't lie, I really struggle with classics. I don't want to give up on them but I really struggle to get into the writing style - please, if you have any recommendations, tell me!

Which book in your TBR will give you the greatest sense of accomplishment once read?
Well, that's all folks! If you would like to do this tag, go ahead - I officially tag you! It was a lot of fun. I am so excited to be back and, hopefully, connect with everyone again! Until next time...
Happy Reading!

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