For as long as I can remember...

Friday, 9 May 2014
I have loved adventure stories. Stories that completely sweep you up into a fast-paced quest to save a magical kingdom. Or to rescue a kidnapped sibling.

When a book is just like:

Here's me:

I especially love adventure stories if there are fantastical elements involved. If the adventure is in a fantasy land, chances are I'll be all like:

It's just the cherry on top if the main character doesn't believe in themselves at the start but grows and develops into a really kick ass character.


With these types of stories, I don't even mind if there's any romance involved. If there is, I like it to stick to the sidelines. For me, an adventure story should be all about the adventure.

The best parts are all those 'uh oh' moments, the moments that make you cling on to the edge of your seat as you feel your heart beat in your ears.

And that power moment where the main character just seems like the most amazing being to ever walk the planet.

And after the climax, when you're just like:

The worst part, for me, though, is the end. When I've had such a rollercoaster of a ride on this fictional adventure that I just don't want to let go.


A few of my favourite adventure books include:

The Lost Island of Tamarind by Nadia Aguiar (forever my go to adventure recommendation!)
The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa
Icons by Margaret Stohl
Blood Red Road by Moira Young
Journey to the River Sea, The Star of Kazan and The Dragonfly Pool by Eva Ibbotson
The Inkworld trilogy by Cornelia Funke

I've yet to continue with a couple of these series and can't wait to delve back into their adventures! Also, a few of my favourite adventure films (because I don't just feel these feels with books ;P) include:

All the Narnia films
The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings films (I badly want to read these books!)
Eragon (also a decent adventure book!)
Journey to the Centre of the Earth
The Inkheart film

So, this has been fun. It's not my usual post so let me know what you think! Do you have any type of stories you love so much? Do you have any adventure book/movie recs? :)

Happy Reading,
Rachel xoxo

PS: Sorry I've not been very active on the blog much and in comment boxes recently, I'm in the midst of my exams (which finish next week! *dances*) so I don't have much spare time. I'd also quickly like to give a little shoutout to Hawwa over at It Was Lovely Reading You who suggested I should experiment more with gifs. I decided to give it a go today and it's been a whole lot of fun! ;D

None of these GIFs belong to me. I am not taking any credit for any of them. ;P


  1. Haha I love this post XD Adventure is a new favorite genre of mine :)

    Miss Perfection @A Perfection Called Book

  2. I loved this post. Adventure isn't one of my favourite genres and I don't read much of it, but the books I have read I've really enjoyed.
    Couldn't agree more about The Hobbit and Narnia films - they are amazing :D
    Holly x

    1. Yay, thank you! You should try out a few more adventure stories and see if you get into the swing of things! ;)

  3. Aaaaaah I think everyone can agree with this. The ending is definitely the worse because you just feel completely lost. But I love the journey's they take you on and the kick ass action scenes. Adventures just take you through so many emotions!

    1. Yep, pretty much. Adventure stories are just so thrilling!

  4. This post was such fun! GIFS are so accurate and perfect to use in almost any situation. I haven't read many but I love adventure books and when a book has those qualities you listed, it's just awesome. Thanks for the recs!

    1. I'm glad you liked it, I was aiming for fun! ;) *ahem* You should definitely read some more! ;P


YOU ARE BEYOND AMAZING! Thank you for sharing your thoughts/opinions/feels! I'll be replying to your comment (hopefully) very shortly!