I first started this blog at the tender age of twelve, and now ten years later, here I am. Originally named Booktastic Reviews, this blog has been propelled along with me through my teenage years - beginning with a lot of middle grade/pre-teen content, then into Young Adult and now? Pretty much anything I take the fancy to read could be featured - though mainly I do tend to stick within YA and New Adult. I am a hard fantasy, action/adventure and romance stan but I will read anything that catches my eye.
As is expected with a blog that has been 'running' for ten years, there have been periods of inactivity - particularly over the last five years or so. Now, in 2020, I want to try and get back in to blogging. However, unlike before, I'm not going to limit myself to talking just about books - hence the change in name to Pages & Pinnacles.
What does this mean, do you ask? Well, I'm a huge lover of hiking, particularly hill and mountain climbing, and I'm very lucky to live in Scotland with the Scottish Highlands at my back door. Thus, I will also be writing up my adventures, travels and hikes when I can. I hope this will be just as enjoyable to my readers as my book content because I am truly passionate about the outdoors.
So, whether you're just seeing this blog for the first time or you've been here since the Booktastic Reviews days, I hope I continue to have your support as I embark on this new venture!
Now, if you're an author or publisher (new or one I've worked with before), still feel free to email me about reviewing your book/s or anything else because chances are I will still be interested! Please check out my 'Contact' page for more details.
You can also feel free to check out my 'Contact' page if you're wanting to enquire about anything else, a different kind of product for review perhaps or even if you're just wanting to leave a quick note!