The Narnian Book Tag (Original)

Tuesday, 7 April 2015
Hello everyone! So I've been really wanting to create an original book tag for quite some time now and a few minutes ago inspiration struck! If you didn't know already, I've got a rather unhealthy obsession with Narnia, and in honour of me finally reading one of the books, I thought I'd put this love to good use by incorporating the world I love so dearly into a tag. I'm not sure how this will turn out but...

1) King Peter the Magnificent - A book which stands out in its genre.

A book that stands out in its genre for me would be Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson. I say this simply because the genre it comes from - contemporary - isn't my favourite and I've had real trouble in the past getting into a lot of contemporary books yet this one really drew me in and I loved it.

2) Queen Susan the Gentle - A book which is underrated.

I'm going to stray away from my usual picks for underrated books here and give you a new one. And that book's going to be The Glass Sentence by S.E. Grove. I absolutely adored this book and it has one of the most solid, complex and intricate worlds I've ever come across yet not many people I know have read it. People really need to check it out!

3) King Edmund the Just - A book that took a while to hook you in.

I'm going to say 172 Hours on the Moon by Johan Harstad for this one. I remember the beginning feeling quite choppy when I was reading it - it would jump from place to place - so it took me up until the pacing began to settle before I properly started enjoying it.

4) Queen Lucy the Valiant - An on-going series you're loyal to.

Hmmm, this one is actually quite tricky for me because I'm really bad for losing interest in a series after a while if I don't return to it, or even if I just wake up one day not feeling it. Right now, I'd probably have to say I'm loyal to the Selection series by Kiera Cass. Though the first three books weren't my favourites, I still found them really light, quick and fun reads so I'm definitely continuing on with the next books!

5) Aslan, the Great Lion - A powerful book that stuck with you.

Okay, so I'm going to try and stray away from my usual picks for this one as well. I'm going to go for... Allegiant by Veronica Roth. I'm going for this one because I was so in awe of Tris' character in this instalment and could not think of a more admirable character than her when I flicked the last page. Her character development truly awed me.

6) Jadis, the White Witch - A book with a synopsis that deceived you.

I'm going to go with The Assassin's Curse by Cassandra Rose Clarke. This is because the synopsis seemed to point at something which did not actually occur in the novel until the very end (so it was not explored throughout the book as the blurb would have had you believe). Don't get me wrong, I did actually really enjoy the book, but I would've liked a synopsis more relevant to the actual storyline present.

7) Mr and Mrs Beaver - Your comfort reads.

Apart from Harry Potter, any of Eva Ibbotson's three tween books.

8) Mr Tumnus - A book with a surprising twist.

One twist I've never fully gotten over is the one in A Million Suns by Beth Revis. Even though I've still not got on to the last book yet (probably to do with how much that twist overwhelmed me!) I really hope to soon!

9) Cair Paravel - A book with a beautiful message.

I'm just going to have to go with my go-to answer here. Milledgeville Misfit by T.L. Gray. I read it so many years ago now but to this day I can still feel the way it got under my skin. I just loved how the author explored family, and discovering family in a time of loss.

10) The Land of Narnia - Your favourite fantasy world.

At this moment in time, the world out of The Mapmaker's Trilogy by S.E. Grove is definitely one of my favourite fantasy worlds. I guess you could count it as dystopia at a push, but it reads more like high fantasy to me. It's just so interesting and complex and different.

I really hope you enjoyed my first original book tag. I would really love for you to do it too. Like, I would love it a lot! Consider yourself tagged! I'll even leave a linky below for anyone who does this tag to link their post to. :D

Happy Reading,
Rachel xoxo


  1. Omg this is such a god tag. It's always such an accomplishment coming up with good tags. Sorry I haven't been commenting, I have been a bit MIA!

    1. Thank you!! I was really nervous it wasn't! :3 I've been quite MIA too so no worries! ;p

  2. Such an awesome tag!! :D
    can I do it on my blog? I'd love to! *-* (saying of course where I found it!)

    1. Thank you! I would LOVE for you to do it on your blog!! Make sure to come back and link the post! ;D

  3. This is one of the cutest original tags I've seen! Kudos to you for being so creative.:D I'll bookmark and do a post one day soon!

  4. What a fantastic idea for a book tag - I love how you'be matched all the characters, and I'd be inspired to do it on my blog as well (crediting where it originated of course). I really need to read Second Chance Summer, it's been on my shelf for ages and since I loved Amy and Roger's Epic Detour, it sounds like it'd be for me.

    Eugenia @ Genie In A Book

    1. Ahh, that'd be awesome if you did it on your own blog!! I do think really highly of Second Chance Summer, I'm sure you'd enjoy it! :D


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