Feature and Follow #4

Friday, 13 July 2012
Feature & Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Alison Can Read and Parajunkee. Every week there is a featured blog and a fun question to answer, so head on over to join in!

Qu: What drove you to start book blogging in the first place?

I suppose I should start by saying that before this blog, I had been blogging for years. My very first blog was named The Mouse Hole (good name, eh? sort-of ironic considering mice creep me out!) where I posted about my life. But then after years of just having personal blogs, I started getting bored. My life just wasn't that interesting to write about. Around that same time, one of my friends started a book blog. I instantly loved the idea and it just seemed the perfect type of blog for me since I'd always loved books. And I suppose you can all guess the rest! ;)

What about you?

Happy Reading,
Rachel xoxo

PS: If you follow me, thank you SO much. I'll return the favour - promise! ^.^


  1. Mice creep me out too. Great blog!
    I am now following you. :)

  2. I've been blogging about my life as well, but I often felt like my life was too private to post about. I ended up blogging all the personal blogs I started.

    New follower here! My FF

  3. Hehe your answer reminded me of when I was little. I would buy pretty-looking diaries all the time and every time I got a new one I'd say to myself, "I'm going to write in this diary every single day for the rest of my life..." Two weeks later, that thought turned into, "What the heck am I suppose to write about? I'm 10!" Hehe never picked it back up. The great thing about blogging is that people talk back so you can never really get bored :) Great answer! New follower! (Sorry I rambled! I'm a mess!)

    My Follow Friday

  4. I think it's sooo cool that you decided to change to just book blogging :-) I'm so new to this all and loving every moment!

    New follower via GFC.

    Come visit me at Ensconced in YA!

  5. Returning the favor by hopping through and checking out your blog. New follower as well.

    Shelley @Gizmos Reviews

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog! :) New follower!


  7. I think it's harder to keep a personal blog, unless you travel somewhere new like every few days. on the plus side, we get free books :P

    thanks for dropping by, new follower :D

  8. Omg, Mice creep me out too! My hatred is near to being a phobia... Once I saw a dead one on the road and I actually got tears in my eyes and had to turn home... Don't judge me! :P

    Personal blogs sound so fun to write, but I'm glad you turned to the book blogging world so that you can write these amazing posts that I love reading. :D

    Great answer, Rachel!<3

  9. Great answer I try to write about myself but it's not that interesting! Books are pretty much like my life so it's the same!

    Thanks for the follow! following you back!


  10. Thanks for stopping by and following! I am now following you back (:

  11. I don't many people like mice (I certainly don't!. New follower! My FF: World of Books

  12. Interesting answer. I think you're the first I've seen to have stated that you had already been blogging.

    Thanks for stopping by and following. Returned the favor :)
    -- Livin' Life Through Books

  13. Hi Rachel, thankyou for stopping by earlier :D You have a lovely blog :D **Followed you back via GFC**

  14. Awesome answer. Friends make you do the most awesome things. My friend was my inspiration for my blog too. Thanks for sharing. =] Here is My FF
    Michael @ The Bookshelf Review

  15. Also following through GFC and Twitter. =]

  16. You're right, we have similar answers :) Thanks for stopping by and following. Following you back

  17. New follower:) Hop by sometime. :)

  18. Thanks for stopping by!! I love you blog!!

  19. Thanks for the follow and I am gladly following you back. :D

    Great answer. New follower via GFC.

  20. Great answer! Thanks for stopping by, I returned the follow. Your blog is really cute :)

    Jessi @ Auntie Spinelli Reads

  21. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm following back! :)
    Great answer too, more interesting than mine by far.

  22. OMG! That is too funny. I had a personal blog as well and then thought to myself that watching paint dry was more entertaining than my life. I think I am more comfortable in the realm of book blogging.

    - Alex

  23. WOW! I love the colour combo of your blog and the design. Very pretty New follower from the FF Social Hop. :)

  24. I had a personal blog, too, but it was so bad and I never posted, so I gave it up and started my current writing blog. It's kind of hard to believe that that had been months ago. Anyways, great answer and your blog layout looks really cute!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, I followed you back. ^.^

  25. Great answer! My love of books completely intensified when I started my blogging. Thank you for following me, I am following you as well. I can't wait to check out some of your reviews! Have a great weekend.

  26. Old follower, thanks for stopping by!

  27. Thanks for stopping by mine already =D

    Returned the follow!!

    Happy Reading,
    Becky @ Book Bite Reviews

  28. Thanks for swingin' by! I am following you back :)

    Blogging has definitely changed the way I read ~ I take notes, read more often, and read different books that I probably would have never even heard of otherwise... It's awesome!!

    Happy Reading :)

  29. I had planned to talk about more personal stuff about college, but I haven't yet. I'm not sure if I'll try.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am now following you back!

  30. The Mouse Hole. That sounds so cute!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog; following you back now!

  31. Hi Rachel! Long time no..type? ;) Your blog looks amazing, I lcve the new layout (new to me, anyway, hehe). Congrats on your followers, you've got so many now, that's awesome :D

    ANYWAY, I kind of started blogging the same way soon, The Mile Long Bookshelf inspired me to start my own. I'm glad I did! And The Mouse Hole is so cute, mine was The Blog of Wonders.. LOL!

    Zoe xx

    PS. I'm starting Bookhi up again soon, just to let you know :)

  32. I think The Mouse Hole was a cute name (though I don't really care for mice either). Thanks for stopping by!

  33. I don't think I could blog about my personal life! It'd be boring. There's never a dull moment to discuss with books! I'm returning the follow. Thanks for stopping by!

  34. Lovely answer. (: I'm a new follower !
    Here is my FF :
    Thanks (:


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