Countess Anna Petrovna Grazinsky has indulged in luxuries all her life but when revolution strikes Russia becomes unsafe and so Anna and her family must escape...
Now in England, with no money and no palace, Anna decides to work as a servent to the aristocratic Westerholmes. Shortly after Anna's arrival the Earl announces that he will be married to a Miss Muriel Hardwicke. But then Anna finds herself falling for the young earl, how will she keep her identity a secret..?
Number of Pages: 344
Genre: Romance
Recommend age: 12+
Rating out of 5: 5/5
Previously Published as... A Countess Below Stairs
I absolutely loved this book! Eva Ibbotson has managed to express everything in clear and intricate detail and the descriptions of characters are fabulous! I had never read a romance genre before but I thoroughly enjoyed it and don't regret the change.
My favourite character is Anna because of her thoughfulness toward her poor family. She is also very caring towards young children and animals. Unlike most Countess's - in the novel - she is not stubborn or big headed. She treats everybody equally.
I hope that you try this book because it is great! Please comment if you have, I would love to hear other reader's opinions.
Rachel :)
Remember my Debating Fridays. Scroll down to see more...
I haven't read this but I really enjoyed reading your review!