So today I thought I'd share some book-to-movie adaptions where I've only watched the movie and not read the book. I figure you may get mad when you see some of the books I've not read so just remember... I love you! ;P
First up, Twilight. Believe it or not, I don't actually hate this movie. Sure, it's not my favourite movie, but I don't necessarily dislike it. Kirsten Stewart's acting may be a little... strange at times but it doesn't affect my enjoyment of the movie as much as it does others. Twilight is one of those movies where I sometimes just, unexplainably, crave it. No pun intended. ;) I do actually want to read this book though. Not because I want to trash the author or anything, I simply want to read it just because of how much fuss there is over it. I want to know whether I, personally, will love it or hate it. Simple as that.
Yes, I know, another Stephenie Meyer book. What can I say, I'm curious about her books! I rather enjoyed The Host movie. It was a breath of fresh air to me at the time I watched it. It was an alien movie that wasn't a crude comedy and I just really appreciated the uniqueness of it all. The setting really drew me in too. I also really want to read this novel (even though the size is quite daunting)! I did at one point take it out of the library a couple years back so I do regret never actually giving it a good ol' go.
My gosh, I haven't seen this movie for YEARS! Such a shame too because I adore it! It's just so unique and unlike any other movie I've seen, which makes me think how unusual the book could be. I'm always hearing good things about the book series from a few booktubers and so every time it's brought up now, I cry a little inside because I want it that much. It looks freaking fantastic!
Again, another unique movie which I kind-of adored. I can actually defend myself with this one though because when I watched the movie of this, I had no idea it was a book! Then, when I did find out, I remembered my mum having had a copy of this (with the cover above!) somewhere around the house but, when I'd asked, she'd had no idea where she'd put it. I am hopefully one day going to manage to find my own copy and get started on it because I'm desperate to!
Okay, so everyone has got to have seen The Princess Diaries, right?! It's like every pre-teen girl's fave chick-lit! ;) I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in the 'watched the movie, not read the book' department for this one! ...Imma right? *crosses fingers* This movie can easily cheer me up because it never fails to take me back to my younger years. *sighs happily* Believe it or not, though, I'm not sure if I even want to read this book. I don't know if it's too fluffy for me. I may end up reading it out of guilt. I have read and adored one of Cabot's books before though - Avalon High - so I don't know why I'm so hesitant!
I don't know what sort-of reaction I'm going to get when I tell you I actually like the Percy Jackson movie. Maybe this is because I haven't read the book but... Yeah, I like it. I'm quite the Logan Lermen fan, truthfully, but still. The movie's unique - ALL THESE MOVIES ARE UNIQUE, K?! - and action-packed, just my cup of tea! I am planning on reading the book series of this though. This is definitely one of the ones I'm embarrassed about having not read. *hides face*
Not my favourite movie but not too shabby y'know. It certainly had it's comical moments ('Don't be creepy, don't be creepy...')! Like with The Princess Diaries, I'm not actually too fussed about reading this. It doesn't look like my type of thing but, again, I may pick it up one day just so I can compare the two.
I don't have such a good excuse for not reading the book beforehand for this one. *facepalm* I watched this only a few months ago and knew, just before it started, I could easily, first and foremost, read this book. And I didn't. My curiosity got the best of me and I watched it. Would it help if I said it was really good? The cinematography was rather incredible? ... I WILL pick this one up. Probably. Maybe.
Yes. I haven't read this. *cries* The movie was beautiful, sweet, heart-warming, cute and I haven't read this book. I blame the fact that Logan Lermen and Emma Watson were in it! They were the reason I watched it in the first place! I BLAME THEM! So, yes, wasn't my fault I hadn't read this book beforehand. I'm sure I'll get on to it someday. Hopefully.
Ack! This is probably the book I want to read most out of all the above! Luckily, I do have it on my bookshelf! I just need to find time to read it. Again this was a movie I adored in my younger years. I loved the feeling of adventure and I was easily thrown into the fantastical world on screen. I'm hoping I find the same escape in the book! When I finally do get on to reading it. *scowls at school and every other distraction*
Wow. I didn't know this post was going to turn out so long. If you read it all, I applaud you. I hope you aren't *too* mad at some of the books I haven't read... I'll be getting on them soon! Most likely.
And you? Have you read any of these books? Did you enjoy them? Have you watched the movie too? How did the two compare? Are you like me and have seen the movie but not read the book? Or had you read the book then watched the movie? Comment below!
Happy Reading,
Rachel xoxo