Weekly Wanted: Wishlist Wonders #2

Friday, 14 January 2011
Weekly Wanted is a weekly 'meme' that myself and best friend, Amber from The Mile Long Bookshelf host. We hope you join :)

1. Post up 3 books that you can't wait to read or wish for.
2. Post up the synopsis/blurb.
3. Post up a picture of the front cover.

Cherry Crush by Cathy Cassidy

Cherry Costello’s life is about to change forever. She and Dad are moving to Somerset where a new mum and a bunch of brand-new sisters await. And on Cherry’s first day there she meets Shay Fletcher; with suntanned skin and sea-green eyes he’s the kind of boy who should carry a government health warning. But Shay already has a girlfriend, Cherry’s new stepsister, Honey. Cherry knows her friendship with Shay is dangerous – it could destroy everything. But that doesn’t mean she’s going to stay away from him...

He's After Me by Chris Higgins

His smile faded and our eyes held and that's when it happened. A charge passed through me, like an electric shock. Anna meets Jem when her life is falling apart. He is everything Anna needs him to be. Her dad may have run off with a younger woman, her mum may be a wreck and her younger sister, Livi, is swerving off the rails -- but as long as she has Jem, Anna will be OK. But Jem has a history. And Anna soon finds out that he's obsessive, controlling and unpredictable. Before long, Anna wants out. She's seen what her dad did to her mum and is not going to let another man ruin her life. But if Jem can't have her, he'll have the next best thing. Anna needs help. And in the end it comes from the most surprising place of all ...

Kiss, Date, Love, Hate by Luisa Plaja
Cover not released yet!

Lex Murphy's group of friends have all dated, hated, ignored and lusted after each other for the last few years. If only there was a way of matching people perfectly to avoid all the unrequited love, dumping and drama! Then Lex's friend George is given a mysterious Sims-like game by his software-testing dad which involves building character profiles in the categories of Life, Looks and Love. Lex and George populate the game with avatars for all their mates, making a few 'wishful thinking' adjustments to the settings - and find that the next day these tinkerings have come true! But how long can this new calm, loved-up atmosphere continue...?

Rachel xx :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I didn't meen to remove the comment above!It said
    Everyone seems to want to read Kiss Date Love Hate! Great books!

  3. Lol, that's OK :D Yeh, I agree, everyone does seem to want Kiss, Date, Love, Hate! :)

    Rachel :)


YOU ARE BEYOND AMAZING! Thank you for sharing your thoughts/opinions/feels! I'll be replying to your comment (hopefully) very shortly!