In the month of June, I have somehow managed to put myself forward for not one, but TWO readathons. I think I've only ever taken part in one other readathon previously (and a good few years ago now *smiles nervously*), so going from that to two in one month?? Pfft! Easy!!
Okay, so not easy but both of these readathons just sounded so good. It's all about having fun anyways and I really want to see what all this readathon hype is about... Wish me luck! (I'm gonna need it, let's be real here!)
#MakeYourMythTaker Readathon
So the first readathon I'm taking part in is the #MakeYourMythTaker readathon. You can watch the video introducing the readathon and hosts HERE. Basically, by following set prompts, you can create your own fantasy-inspired character. There are loads of different character 'types' to choose from and all of their prompts range, but each character type is also paired with another meaning you can switch from your original character to its pair halfway through, if you wish. I'm going to have my character switch from the warrior Viking path to the rogue Pirate path.